Knowledge base Rise Up

Managing Attendance during Classroom Sessions

  • Updated

Rise Up offers comprehensive tools for managing attendance during both physical and virtual classroom sessions. This guide will walk you through the features, setup, and best practices for using Rise Up to efficiently track your learners' attendance.

In the platform settings  , under Physical & Virtual classrooms, you can activate features for automatic presence updates and remote signature capabilities.

Accessing and Managing the Attendance Sheet

To manage attendance for a session:

  1. Navigate to the session: Go to Side Menu   > Course > Manage Classroom Sessions.
  2. Select the session: Click on   next to the desired session, then click on Attendance sheet.

Attendance Sheet Management

On the Attendance Sheet Management page, you have the following options:

  • Download the Attendance Sheet: You can download a PDF version of the attendance sheet. This sheet will be blank if no signatures are collected on the platform or will include signatures if they were collected on Rise Up.
  • Sign the Attendance Sheet: Both learners and trainers can sign the attendance sheet directly through the platform.

Signature Process

  • Learners' Signatures: Each registered learner has a block for their signature. This can be done electronically on the platform or printed for physical signing.
  • Trainers' Signatures: Trainers also have designated signature blocks on the attendance sheet.
  • Legal Information: The attendance sheet includes details such as the place, number of registrants, duration, date, and hours.

Steps to Download and Sign the Attendance Sheet

  1. Download PDF: The PDF will be blank if unsigned or will contain signatures if collected on the platform.
  2. Sign via Rise Up: Click on the Pen icon to open the signature area, sign, and validate.

Setting Attendance and Filling the Attendance Sheet

Admins, facilitators, and session designers can certify a learner's presence. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the session: Go to the Side Menu   > Course > Manage Classroom Sessions.
  2. Select the session: Click on the Manage button for the desired session.

1Certify Attendance

Select the desired users and click on the Set attendance button to mark them absent or present.

2Filling the Attendance Sheet

  1. Click on the Attendance sheet button.
  2. Click on Get Learners to sign.

From here, two options are available:

  1. Detect Attendance

    • Select a Half-Day: Choose the time period.

    • Launch Automatic Signature: Learners will see a window on their Rise Up platform to sign and confirm their attendance.

    • Track Signatures: Monitor signatures in real-time, refresh as needed, and send email links if required.

    • Finish: Click Finish when complete, and download the attendance sheet in PDF format.

  2. Make the Call

    • Select a Half-Day: Choose the time period.

    • Send Signature Emails: Learners will receive an email prompting them to sign.

    • Track Signatures: Monitor signatures in real-time and refresh as needed.

    • Finish: Click Finish when complete.

Automatic Attendance Detection for Virtual Meetings with Zoom and Teams

To set up automatic attendance detection for virtual meetings:

  1. Navigate to the admin settings
  2. Go to the Physical and virtual classrooms menu.
  3. For Zoom or Teams: Ensure that the Activate automatic attendance and time recording option is selected under Virtual Classroom.
    • Setup the Application:
      • Create a new registration on Microsoft Entra under Identity/Applications/App registrations
      • Enter a name for the application (e.g., Rise Up).
        • Two identifiers (Client Id and Tenant Id) will be generated automatically.
      • Generate the Client Secret in Certificates & secrets under the Manage section. Add a description and choose the duration (we recommend one year). Copy the value. 
      • Finally, Note the admin's User Id from the Users / All users page.
    • Add Necessary Permissions to the Application
      • In API permissions, click on Add a permission.
      • Select Application permissions and type OnlineMeetingArtifact, then select OnlineMeetingArtifact.Read.All.
      • Grant admin consent for the organization.
    • Add Application Access Policy
      • Use a PowerShell terminal to connect to Microsoft Teams
        • Connect-MicrosoftTeams
      • Create Application Access Policy:
        • New-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity accessTeamsMeetings -AppIds "yourApplicationId" -Description "Access Policy to get user’s meetings attendance records"
      • Grant Application Access Policy:
        • Grant-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -PolicyName accessTeamsMeetings -Global
      • If something went wrong during the previous steps:

        • Remove Application Access Policy from a specific user

          • Grant-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity "userId" -PolicyName $null
        • get Policy AssignedToUser
          • Get-CsUserPolicyAssignment -Identity "userId" -PolicyType ApplicationAccessPolicy | select -ExpandProperty PolicySource
        • Remove policy
          • Remove-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity accessTeamsMeetings
  1. No additional setup for Zoom is required

Best Practices

  • Ensure all learners are aware of the signing process and timelines.
  • Regularly monitor and update attendance records for accuracy.
  • Utilize automatic presence updates and integrations for efficiency.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

  • Learners not receiving email links: Verify email settings and resend links if necessary.
  • Popup to sign the attendance sheet doesn't appear: Refresh the page, it should then appear.

This comprehensive guide should help you effectively manage attendance for both physical and virtual classroom sessions using the Rise Up platform. If you have any further questions or need additional support, please contact our support team.

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