Knowledge base Rise Up

Setting - My courses

  • Updated
How to set up My Learners' course?

To access the settings for My Courses, click on Settings then My Courses.

This interface makes it possible to adapt the display of course courses and their content for learners.



Activate learning paths redirection

We recommend only checking this box if most of the course offered is included in learning paths. If the box is checked, when the learner goes to the My Course tab (click the My Course tab on the left of the screen-top banner), he/she will immediately see the learning paths for which he/she is registered and will have to click the Course button to access the course for which he/she is registered.


If the box is not checked, by going to the My Course tab, the learner will immediately see the course for which he/she is registered and will have to click the Paths button to access the learning paths for which he/she is registered.

Allow users to hide their course registrations

It may happen that some users are registered for a very large number of coursecourses and prefer to hide certain training for which they are registered in the My Courses tab.

If the administrator configures the platform to allow users to hide their course registrations, they will be able to hide some of their course by accessing the My History section of their account (access by clicking their first name or photo in the top banner).


Authorize users to unregister from a course without adding a comment

When creating a course, you can allow learners to unsubscribe from the course (see the Create a course> Configuration article for more information).

When you authorize unsubscribing to the course, by default your learners will be asked to justify the reason for their unsubscription by leaving a comment.

This setting is used to deactivate this comment step and allow learners to unsubscribe from a course course without adding a comment.

Allow users to post comments on course


Checking the Allow users to post comments on course checkbox allows learners to post comments on the courses they are taking.


The icon will then be displayed on the course taken.

By clicking it, learners will open a pane on the right side of their screen where they can add comments on the course they have taken. These comments can be viewed by anyone else who takes the same course afterwards. The course description in the course catalog shows that comments have been made (although they can only be viewed by someone taking the course).


Allow users to take personal notes

By checking Allow users to take personal notes, learners are able to write personal notes on the course they are taking.

The icon will then be displayed on the course taken.

By clicking it, learners will open a pane on the right of their screen (personal notes) where they can add notes, personal remarks and memos to the course they are taking. They can return to them later. Only they can view these personal notes.



Viewing of videos settings

You can choose to configure the way videos will work on your platform (autoplay, video progress, etc.).




Time isn't counted if the user is away from the page or from the browser

When this box is checked, time is not counted if the learner changes tabs or minimizes the window. He is considered to have left the course, and the timer does not record the time spent.

Freeze the score and the time taken when course is finished.

By checking this box, when the learner has completed course, if the course has resulted in a score (i.e. if the course includes quizzes and/or tests), this score is frozen. Even if the learner repeats the course a second time and answers the quizzes or tests better, the score will not be improved, it will stay the same as the 1st score obtained.


Similarly, if the box is checked, once the course is completed, the time taken (actual time spent on the course by the learner and not teaching time) is frozen and cannot be changed later if the learner repeats the same course a second time. The time spent on course may be important as part of achieving an objective assigned to the learner (see “Objectives” stage). Thus, certain objectives consist of spending a minimum amount of time on certain course.


The real time spent in classroom sessions is taken into account in the learners' activity journal

By activating the display of real time spent in virtual class, the time spent in virtual class of your learners will appear on their course follow-up page in their activity log.

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