Beforehand, see the article Presentation of the Resource Library.
In this article, find out how to :
- Create a folder in the Resources library
- Add a file
- Organize and move my folders and files
- Manage the accessibility of files to identified members of the platform
Access: Catalog > Resources
⚠️ Organizing and adding files to the resource library is accessible only to Internal Administrators of the platform (and not to partner administrators).
Create a folder in the Resources library
To add content, and in particular create a folder, click on "➕ Add resource".
You can then select the nature of the content to add. Click on Folder.
Indicate a Title for your file and click on Validate.
By clicking on the Folder icon 📂, you will be able to customize it by selecting another image.
Add a file
To add a file, click on "➕ Add a resource".
You can then select the nature of the content to add. Click on the type of content you want to add: Video, Document, Text or Iframe.
In all cases, you will be invited to indicate a Title, and add the desired file. Depending on the type selected: add a video or a document, type a text, or add the URL link to an Iframe content.
Organize and move my folders and files
By hovering your mouse over a file or folder, 3 vertical dots will appear, allowing you to:
- Edit: by clicking on edit you can upload a new file to replace the existing one, or change the title of a folder / file.
- Duplicate: allows you to duplicate a file / folder (and what it contains).
- Manage visibility: See details below.
- Delete: allows you to delete a file / folder (and what it contains).
To move a file or a folder, you just need to drag and drop it into the desired folder.
Manage the accessibility of files to identified members of the platform
You can configure your content (file and folder) to make them accessible only to one or several groups of users.
Click on the 3 vertical dots, then on Manage visibility.
By clicking on Manage visibility, you will access the following settings:
- Visible / Invisible: By indicating Invisible, your content is no longer visible to users. No user will be able to access the file / folded except Internal Administrators.
If the content is visible, you can then set up the users who have access to the content. - Choose groups: this field allows access to a drop-down list of groups already existing on the platform in order to make the selected content available only to one or more groups.
Example: for a folder presenting content intended for designers only, first create a group with platform designers as members, then make the folder visible only to this group.
For more information on group creation cf. Creating groups.