Knowledge base Rise Up

Approving Users

  • Updated

User validation is only accessible to Administrators and eventually Partner Administrators.


Note: Partner Administrators will only be able to “validate” users if a Full Control has been set up for them upstream, in Settings.


Administrators will immediately see from their Dashboard (in the Pending Actions box on the left side of their screen) whether there are Users awaiting validation.


Access path for User validation

It is possible to validate or refuse users awaiting validation:

  • either by clicking directly on their Dashboard on Pending Users in the Pending Actions box (in the example below, there are 3 users awaiting validation by the Administrators) :
  • either by going through the General Management Menu > Users > Validate users


Pending Users

Once on the Pending Users page, the Administrator / Partner Administrator can, for each user awaiting validation, click on:


❌ to refuse the user, who will then receive a refusal message by email (no user account will be created for him on the Platform and he will not be able to access it)


✅ to validate the user, who will then receive a validation message by email


👁️‍🗨️ to access the User Details Sheet, and if necessary modify or complete his file by clicking on the Edit User button

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