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Create users via CSV import

  • Updated
How to create multiple users easily ? How to import a list of users ?

In addition to the possibility of manually creating users, you have the option of importing your list of users in CSV format from a spreadsheet.


From your administrator account, follow the following path:

Side menu (in the top left corner) > Users > View > Import users.





Import users

By clicking on Import users, you will access the interface for depositing your CSV file.




You will find there:

  • detailed instructions to help you complete your import;
  • the insert where you can drop your completed CSV file;
  • a CSV file template to complete in order to perform your user import.


Preparation of your import file

By clicking on Download, you can download a CSV file template to help you with your import.


Open the downloaded "userimport" excel file: it contains two tabs detailing the formats to be respected so that your user import goes as smoothly as possible.


Presentation tab

This tab details the content to be completed and the format to be respected for each column. You will be able to adapt your database for a fast and smooth import.


Users tab

This is where you will enter your data, taking care to respect the information contained in the presentation tab. Here are some additional tips to help you best carry out your user import:


  • Type & Partner columns: only relevant if you set up one or more partner platforms (find out more about partner platforms here);
  • Role: discover the different roles here;
  • Login (Username): Unless using automated synchronization and / or SSO we recommend that you use the email address of your users as Login (user ID). This will reduce the risk of users forgetting their login credentials.
  • Password: If this column is left empty, the Email column becomes mandatory. The user will then receive an email inviting him to create a password the first time he logs in. If this column is completed, the password will be created with the information completed, and no email will be sent to the user.
  • Language: Useful if your users are of different nationalities and speak different languages: no matter the language chosen for your platform, users will benefit from automatic translations in the language that has been specified for each of them. Note that the content of the course must be translated by you.
  • RHID: This optional element must be completed if there is an internal number or ID (from existing HRIS software for example) if necessary;
  • Paths and Course: You can, from the import, indicate the course and paths to which you wish to register your users. Note that the courses and learning paths must be created upstream and that you must strictly indicate the title of the said course or the said path (a typing error may result in the data not being taken into account);
  • Group: From the import, you can indicate the group(s) in which you want to add your users. Unlike course and learning paths: if you indicate in one of the "Groups" columns a name that does not exist on the platform: a group will automatically be created during import;
  • Group manager: From the import, you can indicate the group (s) for which your users will be group manager.
  • Custom fields: After the Groups and Paths columns, you can add as many "custom fields" columns as you want.

ℹ️ Note that you will need to create these custom fields upstream from the configuration menu. The columns in your CSV will have to be strictly titled like the fields created on the platform.


Verification of imported data

After submitting your import file, a verification step appears and displays the different columns that will be taken into account in your import (Last name, First name, etc.).

By clicking on Check, the tool will check the completion of the columns and display an error message if any mandatory information is missing.

You can, in the event of an error, modify your file and then upload it again or make the modifications directly on the platform by modifying the data concerned in the board that is displayed.

⚠️ Make sure during the verification step that all the columns have been identified and taken into account. Indeed, when many columns remain empty, the last columns will not appear in the import.


To finalize the import after this verification step, click on Submit.

You will need to correct the errors found by the tool before you can confirm your import by clicking on Send.

Updating users

The CSV user import tool also allows users to update user data. By following the same import process, you can export your list of users, modify the content of the columns or add information and then re-import your list.

⚠️ Be careful during this update process to keep the same Logins for your users. These Logins make it possible to recognize your users and carry out updates on them.


To go further in the use and management of your users, also learn how to add your users one by one and how to manage your user groups.

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