Last week we were able to release something that has been expected for a while: the addition of new custom fields to exports. You'll find the list of available custom fields underneath, by order of appearance at the end of the exports.
Menu > Group > see > manage
- 1st tab : group custom fields
- 2nd tab user custom fields
- 3rd tab : course custom fields
Menu > course registrations > see
- user, then course, then course registration custom fields
Menu > manage sessions (in normal and session group mode)
- 1st tab : session then course custom fields
- 2nd tab : session then course custom fields
Menu > datalab > course registrations
- 1st tab : user, then course, then registrations custom fields
- 2nd tab : course then registrations custom fields
Menu > datalab > session registrations (in normal and session group mode)
- user then course, then course registration, then session custom fields
Menu > courses > see > manage
- 1st tab : user custom fields
- 4th tab : user and session custom fields
- 6th tab : user custom fields
- 7th tab : course custom fields