You can create an experience with the role of Training Manager.
This article covers the following topics:
> The information that I must or can fill in in the fields concerning general information
The information to be filled in is :
- The title (mandatory)
- A short description (not visible to the learners, optional)
- Insert a cover image to illustrate your index (optional): it must be in png or jpeg format
> Add a theme to my experience
To add a theme to your experience, you just have to click on one of the published themes. You can then add other themes by clicking on "add a theme".
> Positioning configuration once my theme is added to my experience
Once your theme is added to your experience, you can:
Set target levels:
- The left tab "Target proficiency level for the theme as a whole" allows you to set the same expected level across all skills in your theme.
- The right tab "Target level of proficiency for each skill" allows you to define an expected level for each of the skills entered.
- Define the title that will be displayed to the learner on the intermediate page before launching the placement questionnaire
- Customize the introductory sentence that will be displayed to the learner on the intermediate page before launching the placement questionnaire. The introduction given in the topic description will be displayed by default.
Determine the number of positionning proposed to the learners for each of the themes of the experience
- One positioning followed by learning materials
Two positioning : one at the beginning of the session and a second one to evaluate the learners' level of proficiency after following the recommendations. Here, two settings are possible for this second positioning:
- It will be available after the selected date: in working days
- It will be available after all the recommendations have been followed
- An infinite number of positioning until the learners have mastered all the proposed skills
Change the way the correction is displayed:
- After each question during the test
- At the end of the questionnaire in the "my correction" tab
- Set a time limit for the positioning questionnaire : the countdown is in ascending order. If the learner stops the questionnaire during the test and then starts it again, the timer starts again from where it was.
> Possibility to start the themes in a delayed way
By default, all themes start when the learner registers for the experiment.
You can choose to start your themes in a delayed way, in working days, within the experience. The second theme will be unlocked from the moment the learner launches his SCORM.
> Information available before publishing your experience
Before publishing your experience, you will find general information about it (title, description) and the number of integrated themes.