Knowledge base Rise Up

How to manage my entities?

  • Updated

You can manage your entities through the Administrator role.

This article includes the following sections:

> The utility of entities

Entities allow you to group learners in order to:

  • Provide the same experience to different groups of learners
  • Track statistics for an experience in a differentiated manner
  • Offer different learning materials based on entities

> Create and manage your entities

With the administrator role, you can:

  • Create entities
  • Access the list of entities
  • Modify or delete entities

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> The definition of an entity

  • A name (maximum 20 characters) - mandatory (uppercase everywhere or none)
  • A unique identifier (UID) - Optional : If you do not provide an UID, it will be automatically assigned by the platform
  • A description – Optional

> The deletion of an entity

If an entity is deleted, all associated learners will lose their entity and become part of the group of learners without entities.

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