Knowledge base Rise Up

Time zone management

  • Updated

How do you set the time zones of your users? What are the impacts on the platform?


Setting the time zone

Setting the time zone by the user himself

To access the time zone settings, the user accesses the My Account page.

In the My Information section, the user can modify the dedicated Time Zone field.

The user is invited to choose among all the existing time zones.

By default all users are assigned to the "Europe / Paris" time zone.


Time zone setting by the administrator

Administrators can change the time zone of a user by accessing his user file. See Manage and modify a user for more information.

Once on a user record click on Edit user.

Then select the desired time zone from the list of available time zones.

ℹ️ Please note that it is currently not possible for the Administrator to set the user's time zone when creating the user account. The "Time Zone" field only appears when editing a user.


Impact on the rest of the platform

The schedules displayed on the platform as well as in documents / emails take into account the settings of these time zones.


When an administrator user creates a course session at a certain time, the time displayed for the learner user on the platform and in the emails received will take into account the time zone he has set in his account.

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